My girls

My girls
Grace getting to hold her sisters hand for the first time.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pinwheel Sampler isn FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!

So about a year ago I took a quilting class with Marcia to make my first half square triangle quilt. It has been a journey for sure!

I got my sampler from Connecting Threads.  It is a Rachel Griffith Design I love it! It took me a long time, one the kids kept me busy, I decided to have surgery, go to Disney World and a whole slew of other things within the year.

Before I got started I had a TON of the HST all made out. Don't these look so neat and ready to go?

So here is a few of my favorite blocks.

I am VERY proud of those points!  I can't tell you how this was a labor of love. I have been making the quilt for my Dad. It is all sailing fabric and themed.

here are my blocks ready to be sewn together.
There they sat, for some time. Seems I managed on 6 to make them short. I have no idea how I did that. Could it have been that I was sewing them after surgery, while on pain meds? Naw..  lol

But last night I finished her.  Here she is. It is ready to head over to Marcia's to be quilted!

Like my corners? That was a fabric shortage issue. I had all kinds of issues, but it turned out neat with the corners being that way.

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