My girls

My girls
Grace getting to hold her sisters hand for the first time.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Meet Froggy

I love the imagination of little children.  Both of my girls have really show how strong of an imagination they have at early ages.  Grace was cooking and creating worlds and now Evelyn has a whole story line for Froggy.

Froggy has a home and a special bed. Now one would think that Froggy lived in the ground or in some kind of bed in the playroom right? Nope not our Froggy. Froggy lives in my closet where the towels go. Every morning Evelyn comes to check on Froggy, give him a kiss (even though he has a pink bow he is not a she.) and then put him in his home. 

Here is Froggy in his home.
Evelyn putting him back in his home in his bed. He has to be covered too!
A very proud mommy to Froggy. Stay tuned for more adventures to come.

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