My girls

My girls
Grace getting to hold her sisters hand for the first time.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

VBS day 3


We learned about how Simon Peter, became Peter and was a Rock. Lots of neat crafts and faith story time with rocks. I got to peek in on my girls a LOT today. They were too cute. I will post pictures later, for now I think we will all take a nap!

 Love this face! Those eyes. Boy I think Brad had better get a gun...or two.

Grace and her buddy Janelle singing the songs in the morning. Too cuties.

Working on her craft today. I think she enjoyed herself.
Yes she knocked down the tower that her friends built. I laughed so hard I almost couldn't keep the camera still.

Ended my day at a board meeting.  But at least I enjoy the people I am on board with and our manager.

Tomorrow is Thursday. Week is almost over, but will be a long one for me. Friday and Saturday I have my lovely scrapbooking ladies over to scrapbook. Need to clean my house and PACK.  YES we are headed to the beach on Sunday.  One whole week of sun, sad, water and keeping Grace's cast dry.  ;o)  Hopefully Brad can get some good shots of the girls while on the beach. Maybe next year we won't have a cast on.

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