My girls

My girls
Grace getting to hold her sisters hand for the first time.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Goodness this quilt will have your head spinning and thinking that you are not putting her together correctly. I assure you that I am putting her together right. I had to keep checking to make sure. Love the effect that it has and it is coming together. Are there mistakes?  Well Hell yes there are. But taking on this challenge you are bound to have some minor. And if minor mistakes is all I have and for the general eye they can't see them.  Then yay me!

I loved sewing today. Why you ask?  hehehe Well because of Red of course. I love, I mean love the table extender. When piecing this just makes it all so much easier. So easy....easy... I think you get the point. Put what is so nice about this extension table is that you can basically lay your whole piecing on it and feed it into the machine.

Another think that I am loving already is who smooth the feeding is. I really just had to walk my hands, which is what you should do, but I haven't had a new machine in some time. So this was new to me and made things so nice.

One thing I will need to change is my chair. It just isn't high enough once the extension table is on. So I will be shopping for a new chair.

One issue I am finding my machine has, is one that I read about. Nesting.  ACK! I am playing with some suggestions by fellow owners of the Horizon 7700. What the machine is trying to do is for your to not have any hanging threads at your ends. It is pulling the top  and lower thread ends back to the back so that is can stitch over it and hide the loose ends. Love the idea, but not always liking the nesting. doesn't happen all the time, happens just every now and then.

With all new machines there is a learning curve. This I believe is my biggest curve. Everything else is just coming along.  OH another HUGE benefit is the automatic tension. It's like this machine just knows what I want.  ;o)

Just piecing my carousel lap quilt together. On Red of course!

The girls have allowed me to play on my machine off and on all day. They were happy to b e home I think. But by this evening it had worn off. Screaming was heard and time outs were given.  ;o) But how could you resist this little helper?

 I playing the drum mommy!  Yes she was playing the drum, that is for sure!

Here is what 5 of the 9 rows looks like. Kind of neat! Didn't have a good spot to lay her all out, but you can kind of see how it looks mismatched? Still in love with the fabric and color choices. Tomorrow hopefully, well Wednesday, I will get the top all done. Too much to do tomorrow and coffee with girls tomorrow night.  ;o)

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